Tysoe Record March 2014

With no January monthly meeting February’s agenda was packed.

Rent review of agricultural land owned by the parish council satisfactorily negotiated.

New grit bins in place thanks to Cllr Allen’s sons.

Agreed to proceed with maintenance to memorial opposite Old Tree Lane.

Agreed to go ahead with Tysoe Neighbourhood Group’s proposal for a working party to develop the neighbourhood plan.

DC Roache requires help with monitoring vehicle speed limits, particularly from those who have raised the problem.

Gritting absence on 2nd and 12th January being investigated.

Refuse collectors have said they will re-instate the village green in School Lane.

Shipston Link timetable to appear on noticeboard and in post office.

DC Roache will check house construction on Main Street is as approved.

Trash screen required to reduce debris blocking storm drains around Jeffs Close, Middleton Close and Main Street.

Minutes on the Tysoe Parish Council noticeboard.

Planning update

Extra meeting held on 10th February to discuss an application for nine dwellings on land adjoining Church Farm Court. Parish council acknowledged the applicant had taken into account many concerns previously raised.

Lengthy discussion and public participation ensued. Taking into account the position of opposing any development of the site and the strength of neighbours’ opinions, the parish council voted to object.

The applicant has also appealed against the refusal for 20 dwellings.


Cllr Simon Forrester