Category Archives: Neighbourhood Plan

Tysoe Neighbourhood Plan – Examiner’s Final Report

Following receipt of the “fact check” version of the Examiner’s report the Parish Council sought advice from its planning consultant and obtained Counsel’s opinion on the Examiner’s report. This opinion is published here. The Parish Council has now asked for a meeting with the District Council to discuss how to take matters forward. We await a date for that meeting.

Tysoe Neighbourhood Development Plan – Examiner’s report final

Tysoe Neighbourhood Plan Legal Opinion 14.02.2020

Housing Needs Survey – Summary of Results

Our thanks go to all of you who filled in Housing Needs Survey forms. The 174 forms returned represent an excellent response for such an exercise. The survey sought to discover what housing is required for people with a local connection and to find what support there is for an affordable housing scheme.  It also gave the opportunity to express other opinions which could influence development within the village.


The survey confirmed that Tysoe has an ageing population which could lead to problems of sustainability. There is a  preponderance of larger houses, above average for Stratford District Council, this combined with an ageing population means that most dwellings are under-occupied.


  • The survey identified a need for eleven new homes in Tysoe Parish for households with a local connection
  • These should comprise a mixture of Housing Association Rental, Housing Association Shared Ownership and Owner occupier dwellings.  Seven of these would be small flats, two 2-bedroom houses and two small bungalows.
  • Responses indicated that there is a clear appetite among residents to meet the need for affordable housing within the parish.
  • There is a need for more smaller houses to allow residents of larger houses to downsize as their requirements change.


  • The rural and historic environment of the village
  • The shops and services


  • Transport links
  • Problems with traffic and parking
  • Proportionate development  (not housing estates)
  • Broadband
  • Flooding


We will use information from the survey to inform the next draft of our Neighbourhood Plan.  Watch for details on the Parish Website and village notice board.

The Neighbourhood Planning Group is setting up a sub-committeee to consider options for affordable housing development in Tysoe. Let us know if you interested in getting involved, please contact: David Roache on: 680309 or email:

The full Housing Needs Survey report is available at:  tysoe-hns-report-november2016

Neighbourhood Plan – “Call for Sites”

As part of the Neighbourhood Planning Process a “Call for sites” exercise was undertaken.

The sites that came forward are:










The inclusion of a site on the website does not infer that this site has been approved for development by the Parish Council. All sites will be assessed for their suitability and conformation with the Neighbourhood Plan development policies.

Come along to the Methodist Church on Friday 25th November at 4pm or Saturday 26th November 10.00am to 4.00pm to have your say